What's the Brand


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Guess the name of the consumer brand based on the company logo. Different parts of the logo is blurred out and you type in the name of the company. Hints and facts about the brand are also available to help you find the answer.







This game relies on brand logos and the rest of the graphics are basic. The game does not require complex graphics, rather the importance is that the graphics do not take away from the brand logo.

What's the Brand image


Each level contains 50 logos with increasing difficulty as you increase level. The touchscreen is easy to use and encourages game play. Possible letters are displayed below the answer field to help you identify the brand. In addition, hints about the company are available for 10 points in case you get stuck.


Challenge yourself to identifying over 1,000+ logos. Some of the logos might be challenging as the logos span not just the United States, but also major brand names in Europe and Asia. In addition there seems to be a disparate number of snowboarding/skateboarding brands.


Feedback sounds validate the gameplay but can also be played without sound effects.



An entertaining game to challenge yourself with, that may reveal lead to revealing insights about yourself! I realized that I recognized most of the food and beverage brands, and was disappointed with myself for not recognizing more of the snowboarding brands, despite over 10 year snowboarding. It would be even more challenging to not have the suggested letters, but only the number of letters available. Some of the international brands are impossible without cheating.
